Tag Archives: AFL-CIO

Episode 34, “Life is killing us”

Ep. 34

  • Buckle in as Amy shares her pet-peeves about supplement companies and why proper nutrition is not found in a magic pill.  “Our food should be our medicine, our medicine should be our food.”  – Hippocrates
  • It’s movie review time!  Find out what Bean Rating “Kong vs Godzilla” gets.
  • Dose #2 COMPLETE!  Get vaccinated so the world can get back to normal. Please!
  • Are you ready to organize?  Visit the AFL-CIO for more info. You can also contact Jer if you have any questions about organizing.


Song of the Day

Amy’s Pick:  “The Funeral” by Band of Horses

Jer’s Pick:  “Dead Leaves” by Dead Leaves


Brew of the Day

Dylan’s Grogg – Iron Bean Coffee Company



Episode 28, “Live Like You’re Dying”

Ep. 28










Sometimes you just want a cold one for the road! 








What’s your favorite candy? 


Review Time with TV and Movie Critic Amy Waugh. 

Find out what Bean Rating she gives this week. 






“The Little Things” Watch on HBO Max










“Patriot” Watch on Amazon Prime









“Dexter” Watch on Showtime or Amazon Prime


(This rating is based on the first season.)




Get involved click the picture to find out more. 


Song of the Day

Amy’s Pick:  “Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince & The Revolution

Jer’s Pick:  “Jaspora” by Wyclef Jean


Brew of the Day

Monsooned Malabar – Iron Bean Coffee Company