Tag Archives: Movie Critic

Episode 33, “Happy Hallow-Easter”

Ep. 33


It’s Easter Sunday!  Time for bunnies that lay eggs and zombie worship.


Movie Review Time!  Find out what Bean Rating The Justice League (Snyder cut) receives.


Will justice be served for George Floyd?  Are you at a loss on how you can help or are seeking ways to fight the injustice in our society?  Here are some links that will provide you a way to get involved through the simple act of donation.

George Floyd Memorial Foundation 

Social Justice Community

Ford Foundation

Ben & Jerry’s Foundation


Oh, did we mention Jer FINALLY got his new computer?  He’s pretty pumped about it.


Song of the Day

Amy’s Pick:  “Plastic Dreams” by Jaydee

Jer’s Pick:  “Devil’s Wife” by Dog Fashion Disco


Brew of the Day

Dylan’s Grogg – Iron Bean Coffee Company

Episode 28, “Live Like You’re Dying”

Ep. 28










Sometimes you just want a cold one for the road! 








What’s your favorite candy? 


Review Time with TV and Movie Critic Amy Waugh. 

Find out what Bean Rating she gives this week. 






“The Little Things” Watch on HBO Max










“Patriot” Watch on Amazon Prime









“Dexter” Watch on Showtime or Amazon Prime


(This rating is based on the first season.)




Get involved click the picture to find out more. 


Song of the Day

Amy’s Pick:  “Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince & The Revolution

Jer’s Pick:  “Jaspora” by Wyclef Jean


Brew of the Day

Monsooned Malabar – Iron Bean Coffee Company